Folding power chair Manufacturer & Supplier in China - Nanjing CareMoving Rehabilitation Equipment Co.,Ltd

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The folding power chair is an innovative tool that allows people to move without difficulty. It looks like a regular chair, albeit with wheels — not only can this “smart seat” navigate your tongue. This makes them different from traditional chairs that do not move. In today's article we will talk about the Nanjing Care Moving folding power chair and some of its great uses for people today.

    Meet the folding power chair

    A tiwi power chair – these are wheelchairs who have small minimalistic design ideal for people that can walk but need assistive ambulation or do want a portable solution rather than the full weight and size of hard to push or carry wheelchair. Pros: This chair is very easy to operate. After you have done using it, you can fold it up and save space for storage. This unit can be kept in a closet or even in the trunk of your car.

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